Working Principle
Through 28 million hd pixels to obtain facial skin image conditions, using 8 spectral imagingtechnology, AI face recognition technology, deep learning technology, 3D simulation technology, cloud computing cloud storage, the pathological features of the skin are quantitatively analyzed on the surface and deep layer , and 14 skin health indicators can be detected. Comprehensively analyze and evaluate skin problems, so as to carry out scientific and accurate skin management with reasonable basis!
Artificial intelligent image analyzeris a device whichis safe, reliable, intelligent, continuous deep learning, automatic upgrade and updatethe skin images.
1.New 8 spectrum for the surface, deep, quantitative analvsis of 14 skin indicators.
2. The skin of 4 big problems combines total number of 14 index data quantification cent sex.
3. Combined with the total data to obtain a comprehensive report of the indicators All pages can be scanned and printed for analysis report.
Function Features
1. Super cloud computing,unprecedented speed of analysis.
2. Objective and accurate data.
3.Displaying high definition image perfectly by using Industrial grade HD camera.
4. Face recognition, outline face contour automatically. To save time, free from worry and less effort.
5.Intelligent deep learning function, instrument upgrade automatically,data will be more and more accurate, endless learning.
6 .Cloud storage, unlimited capacity.
7. Support multiple account management.
The image is clearer and theanalysis is more accurate RGB white light,positive polarization,negative polarizationUV365,blue405,wu shi light,red light,brownlightComprehensive analysis of 14skin indicators.
40 filters protect your skin from anyside effects of light.
Regularly upgrade version networkinterruption automatically switchesto the local end,cloud computingand cloud storage.
Portable And Convenient To Carry
AI Intelligent skin tester
Comprehensive analysis of 15 indicators Collagen fibers, sensitivity, porhyrin, blackheads, acne, medical beauty data, dark circles, acne spots, pigmental UV spots, pores, skin color, moisture, sebum, wrinkles.
It is a simple and effective tool to image the condition of facial skin and the pathology of the skin.The characteristics are quantitatively analyzed,so as to scientifically and accurately manage the skin with reasonable evidence.